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On Faith, without which I will be lost

Before I started writing this post, I asked God to please give me the right words. But just right now, it occurs to me that there are no right or wrong words when talking about faith. Because faith simply is. There's no doubting it, or justifying it, or struggling for it. Why is it so easy to believe that something can go wrong, instead of trusting that nothing can go wrong?

Too many times, as Christians and believers, its so easy to get caught up in what the world tells us. I remember an old (i think its ) Ron Kenoly song that goes "whose report will you believe?" It must have been then that I developed my practical approach towards faith. Because why on earth should I believe that things will e anything less than perfect. The Bible has told me that God knows the plans he has for me. plans of good and not of evil .......... It has also told me that it may tarry, but it will come. So why should I believe differently? Let me not boast lest my faith like Job's be tested. But....if my faith be as small as a mustard seed i can move mountains right?

As children, its so much easier to believe in fairies, and santa claus and superman and the tooth fairy, and maybe, if our parent have bothered, to believe in God. But somewhere along  the way, we realise that Santa Claus is actually daddy, that the tooth fairy is actually mummy, that fairies are not real and neither do we possess super powers because we have jumped of the top bunk and have succeded only in breaking a leg. And sometimes, we also stop believing that God is God and that His Word does not change. Jesus says if only we can have faith like little children.

I'd like to say that it's hard, to make whoever lacks faith to feel a little better, but I wont. Because its the easiest thing in the world. According to a song that I havent heard in years, retelling the story of Jesus calling Peter to join him on the sea, it said "come walk with me upon the water, why dont you let me be your guide?" 

Trusting God is believing that nothing happens to you by chance. For everyone that comes your way, its because he has sent them. For everytime you fall, it is because he is at the bottom to catch you. free falling never felt so good. For every time you make a mistake it is because he wants to show you that you cannot appreciate the good if you have not yet seen the bad. It is believing that that "lai lai" He will never let you go.

All He has required is your trust. So why dont you, him. Have faith.

Enjoy the rest of your week. God bless you.


Nee Fe Mi said…
God Bless you too darling. My uncle said to me today that if we have hope and faith in abundance, we can do anything. So i'm glad to see you have that and in abundance too.

Have a blessed week.
Anonymous said…
In HIM i put my trust only...without HIM, doomed...Tnx for the soul uplifting words.
Berean Girl said…
Thanks for the kind words... they were very uplifting.
Anonymous said…
You are far advanced in faith than I will ever be.

I believe in myself alone...nothing else. I believe in my heart and her ability to heal rapidly after having been dragged through mud and sand and shoved in a mighty furnace. I find that she blooms and blooms like a flower drunk on the ecstasy of the sun. That is what I have faith in...My heart. Now, I think my heart was/is Gods/nature`s gift to me. In my heart, I see Gods reflection so that works.

The thing is that you will be fine. I do not doubt that. Bad things will happen because that is the nature of life. What will you learn, how will you expand and become a superior version of yourself without many tests. But even while you are being tested, I hope for you Faith, so you remember that you are powerful beyond your own measures and that this heart of yours will dance again.

Sigh, this comment was actually directed at my self. :)

Thank you once again...SS.
Myne said…
This brought tears to my eyes, you know why? I used almost the same words to talk to a friend who's going through stuff. God sure loves us.
T.Notes said…
It is believing that that "lai lai" He will never let you go...
TRUE THAT!!!You couldn't have summised it any more perfectly!
There's a Hillsong united song that rocks my world in that regard.

And LOL@ "Refusing to be conventional Temite"!

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